Anime King
16 min readJul 2, 2023

A General introduction: Explaining All Bankai in Bleach

Bleach : Bankai

Hey everybody talking one-on-one here in this blog is every single bankai in the Bleach series who does it and a fun fact about it alright ready let’s go and bankai of some captains is not revealed yet (like Aizen ,Shinji Hirako etc) neither in manga nor in anime so I am not going to be list them.I am not ranking them just listing all bankai from Gotei 1 to13.

1) Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto- Zanka no Tachi

Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, the former head captain of the Gotei 13, possesses a Bankai known as Zanka no Tachi. Considered the strongest Bankai in the series, it is divided into four distinct parts: Zanka no Tachi East, West, South, and North.

Zanka no Tachi East compresses all the flames from Yamamoto’s Shikai into a single longsword. Any object that comes into contact with this sword is instantaneously incinerated, completely annihilating it.

Zanka no Tachi West compresses the flames surrounding Yamamoto, elevating his body temperature to over 115 million degrees Fahrenheit, hotter than the surface of the Sun. This intense heat makes it impossible for anyone to approach him while Zanka no Tachi West is active.

Zanka no Tachi South showcases an incredibly formidable technique. Yamamoto can summon the reanimated corpses of his past enemies, those he has slain over his thousand years of existence. These burning charred skeletons become his puppets, obedient to his control, just like his regular sword.

Lastly, Zanka no Tachi North is a devastating attack that incinerates everything in its path, surpassing even the power of Zanka no Tachi East.

A fascinating fact about Yamamoto’s Bankai is that it is now in the possession of Yhwach, although it remains unclear if Yhwach will ever use it. This has left some fans speculating about the potential display of its immense power by Yhwach.

Yamamoto’s Zanka no Tachi showcases his unparalleled strength and serves as a testament to his status as one of the most powerful characters in the Bleach series.

2)Chojiro Sasakibe — Kokou Gonryo Riku

The former Lieutenant of the First Division, Chojiro Sasakibe, possesses a Bankai known as Kokou Gonryo Riku. This Bankai is lightning-based and manifests as a massive lightning dome behind Chojiro. Within the dome, lightning bolts strike out, allowing him to freely manipulate and strike his opponents with lightning wherever he desires. Unfortunately, Chojiro has never been shown using his Bankai in battle, as it was stolen by Driscoll Berci and used against Captain Yamamoto.

A notable fact is that Chojiro had never used his Bankai in actual combat, even though he had mastered it. However, when Yamamoto was attacked by Driscoll, he remarked that Chojiro’s Bankai was not weak. This implies that when Chojiro properly utilized his Bankai, it possessed significant strength and power.

Although Chojiro’s Bankai remains mostly unseen in action, its lightning-based abilities and the potential strength it holds suggest a formidable and destructive force.

3)Shunsui Kyoraku — Katen Kyōkotsu Karamatsu Shinju

The current Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13 and former captain of the 8th Division, Shunsui Kyoraku, possesses a Bankai called Katen Kyōkotsu Karamatsu Shinjū. This Bankai has the unique ability to manipulate the entire battlefield, transforming it into different stages of a play known as “Dawn.” Unlike mere illusions or mental tricks, this Bankai physically alters the surroundings to suit Shunsui’s needs.

In the first dawn, any injuries Shunsui has sustained are transferred onto his opponent. The second dawn causes a disease to spread across the opponent’s body. The third dawn summons a massive underwater area where both Shunsui and his opponent are in danger of drowning. Finally, in the fourth dawn, the opponent’s head is sliced off and then obliterated by a thread that Shunsui possesses.

An interesting fact about Shunsui’s Bankai is that it summons the spirit of his zanpakuto, Kyokotsu, in the form of two women. This aspect of the Bankai hints at a more intimate and romantic relationship between Shunsui and his zanpakuto.

Overall, Shunsui Kyoraku’s Bankai is a formidable and complex ability that allows him to manipulate the battlefield and unleash devastating attacks upon his opponents.

4)Soi fon — Jakuhō Raikōben

The Bankai of Soi Fon, the captain of the 2nd Division, is Jakuhō Raikōben. It takes the form of a massive missile, which she can convert into a giant, heavy projectile attached to her arm. Despite its impressive power, Soi Fon dislikes using her Bankai as it contradicts her pride as the leader of the assassination squad. The size and flashiness of the Bankai make it impractical for her preferred method of assassinating targets from a distance. However, there’s no denying the coolness factor of her Bankai.

A notable fun fact is that Soi Fon can only activate her Bankai once every three days. Although she technically has the ability to use it more frequently, doing so puts a considerable strain on her stamina. This showcases Soi Fon’s remarkable endurance and highlights the limitations of her Bankai.

5) Gin Ichimaru — Kamishininoyar

Gin Ichimaru, the former captain of the 3rd Division, possesses a Bankai called Kamishini no Yari. This Bankai essentially extends the abilities of his Shikai, allowing him to elongate his sword indefinitely, surpassing the previous limit of 100 sword lengths. The exact extent of its extension is unknown, as Gin’s claim of it reaching 13 kilometers was later revealed to be a lie, along with his assertion that it could travel faster than the speed of sound.

The true ability of his Bankai lies in leaving a sliver of the blade inside his opponent while extending and contracting it. By activating the true Bankai ability, “Kamishini no Yari: Bankai,” he can disintegrate the affected area on a cellular level, causing heavy damage. Notably, Gin attempted to use this ability against Aizen, but it ultimately failed to defeat him. Although not necessarily a fun fact due to the outcome, it highlights the pivotal moment in Gin’s story.

6) Shusuke Amagai — Raika Goen


Shūsuke Amagai is another former captain of the 3rd Division, although he appeared in an anime-only arc and is not part of the original manga storyline. His Bankai is called Raika Gōen Kaku, and it takes the form of a giant seashell that has the ability to emit fire. However, due to the anime-only nature of the arc and limited exposure, this Bankai is not well-remembered or widely known among fans.

7)Rōjūrō Otoribashi- Kinshara Butoudan

Rōjūrō Otoribashi, also known as Rose, is the current captain of the 3rd Division. His Bankai, Kinshara Butōdan, grants him the ability to use music to create physical illusions. Through his music, Rose can deceive his target’s heart, generating realistic and powerful illusions that can cause physical damage to the target and affect the surrounding environment. He claims that his illusions can even make the opponent feel as if they are unable to breathe.

The attacks produced by these illusions are based on different dances performed by the “Dancers” under Rose’s control. He conducts these dances using a conducting baton, much like a music conductor. Some notable attacks include:

1. Sea Drift (Shī Dorifuto): Rose surrounds his opponent with figures that spin around, creating a whirlpool of surging water. The target, under the influence of Kinshara Butōdan, genuinely believes they are being drowned and constricted within the whirlpool.

2. Prometheus: Rose has the figures generate fire in their hands, engulfing his target in flames. As a result of the illusion’s effects, the target experiences genuine pain, believing they are being burned.

One additional technique, Ein Heldenleben (Ain Herudenrēben), meaning “A Hero’s Life” in German and “Hero’s Life” in Japanese, remains unseen due to Mask crushing his eardrums, preventing Kinshara Butōdan from affecting him any further.

8)Retsu Unohana — Minazuki

Retsu Unohana, the former captain of the 4th Division, possesses a Bankai called Minazuki. Unfortunately, we have limited information about the true capabilities of her Bankai. Speculation suggests that it may involve blood or acid, but its exact nature remains unknown. When Unohana activated her Bankai, it summoned a mysterious goop-like substance behind her. Unfortunately, she was killed by Kenpachi before the full extent of Minazuki’s abilities could be revealed. It is worth noting that her shikai and bankai share the same name, Minazuki, albeit with different translations. The lack of information surrounding her Bankai adds an air of intrigue and mystery to its potential power and abilities.

9)Byakuya Kuchiki — Senbinezakura


Byakuya Kuchiki, the captain of the 6th Division, possesses a Bankai known as Senbonzakura Kageyoshi. This Bankai expands upon the abilities of his shikai, allowing him to manipulate a significantly larger number of flower petals. While his shikai can create 1000 flower petals, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi multiplies that number to hundreds of millions. Byakuya can also control the petals using his hands, increasing their speed and versatility. Here are some of the techniques he can perform with these flower petals:

1. Senkei (Thousand-Blade Path): Byakuya can compress all the individual flower petals into an array of blades that he can summon at will. This creates a scene reminiscent of a massacre, overwhelming his opponents with the sheer number of razor-sharp blades.

2. Gokei (Maws of Destruction): This technique forms a sphere composed of a swirling mass of razor blades. Byakuya can compress this sphere onto his opponent, instantly killing them. It serves as a deadly and decisive attack.

3. Shukei Hakuteiken (Final Form: White Emperor’s Heavenly Fist): By compressing all the flower petals down to a single blade, Byakuya forms a weapon resembling a slender sword. In addition, the blade is accompanied by majestic, angelic wings. This final attack combines elegance and power to deliver a devastating blow.

A fun fact about Byakuya’s Bankai is that it may have become even stronger since he has been training at the Soul Society. However, the exact extent of his progress remains unknown, and we will have to wait and see the full extent of his enhanced abilities.

10)Renji Abarai — Zabimaru

Renji Abarai, the lieutenant of the 6th Division, possesses a Bankai that actually has three different forms:

1. Hihiō (Baboon King): In this form, the cowl of Renji’s Bankai transforms into a large, skeletal arm covered in green fur. This arm mimics the movements of Renji’s left arm and possesses immense strength. It can effortlessly crush bones and throw around larger opponents with ease. Hihiō’s power is exemplified by its ability to lift and shatter large slabs of walls with minimal force.

2. Orochiō (Great Snake King): When Renji activates this technique, the vertebrae structure of his Bankai unfurls from around his waist, extending like a tail. The blade portion of the Bankai also transforms into a larger, serrated form.

3. Sōō Zabimaru, Zaga Teppō (Twin Kings Snake Tail, Snake Fang Iron Gun): To execute this technique, Renji impales his enemy with his blade. He then clenches his fist and twists the sword as if turning a key, generating jaws made of spiritual energy. These jaws close down on the enemy, forming the appearance of a large serpentine skull that crushes the opponent with its fangs. Additionally, Renji can simultaneously release a blast of spiritual energy through the enemy.

Renji Abarai’s Bankai exhibits a range of formidable abilities in its different forms, allowing him to adapt to various combat situations.

11)Sajin Komamura — Kokujo Tengen

7th division captain Sajin Komamura Bankai is KoKujo Tengen me all it creates a giant that is completely manipulated by captain or whatever movements he makes the giant makes. A downside to this though is that every attack that the giant endures Sajin endures however a reverse of this is that whenever sajin heals his bankai heals as well he is the only known bankai that is able to repair itself usually every other bankai if it gets damaged it’s gone forever as we’ve seen with ichigo’s tensa zangetsu fun fact about this is that after he mastered the humanization technique from his lost clan he was able to activate Kokujō Tengen Myō’ō Dangai Joe shedding the armor so it’s just a complete massive Reitsu however now the co more has been turning to well a dog we don’t really know if he’s gonna be able to use bankai again or what form that would take just keep in mind at the moment there is nobody in the 8th division and those bankai because soon Sui was moved over to the first division

12)Kensei Muguruma — Tekken


so moving on to the 9th division we have the current captain who also probably is most likely dead Kensei Muguruma his bankai is Tekken TachiKaze compressing his sword down to two gauntlets on his right and left arm as well as this giant stretchy thing that’s behind him don’t really know what’s up with that but anyway he can control the shape of these gauntlets on his arm he’s made them axe blades he’s made them like brass knuckles before and every time he comes in contact with something as long as he’s in contact with the blade touching the opponent as successive explosions will be set off basically nuking the opponent out of existence a interesting fun fact here with Kensei as he was the first visor to release his Bankai.

13)Kaname Tosen –Suzumushi

Tsuishiki Enma Korogi

Now the former captain of the 9th division Kaname Tosen his Bankai is Suzumushi Tsuishiki Enma Korogi whilst inside this black dome the senses of sight hearing and smell are removed from the opponent allowing Kaname to attack his will with his sealed zanpakuto however it doesn’t take away the sense of touch which is a fun fact ah well fun fact for me not so much anybody that could figure out really quickly how his bankai works as did kampachi and he was eliminated also once he activated his Hollowfication we don’t really know if he can use bankai or if it would be different and we won’t in the future because well he’s dead .

14)Toshiro Hitsugaya — Daiguren


Toshiro Hitsugaya, the captain of the 10th Division, possesses the Bankai called Daiguren Hyorinmaru. It serves as an extension of his shikai and manifests as massive ice formations that encase his body, culminating in an icy sword. This Bankai grants him access to a range of icy techniques, including his most basic and powerful one, “Weather Subjugation,” which allows him to manipulate snow, rain, and frost at will. The culmination of his Bankai’s abilities is seen in his strongest technique, Hyōten Hyakkasō.

Interestingly, Toshiro’s Bankai shows the least difference compared to his shikai. He can technically employ any technique from his shikai in his Bankai state and vice versa. However, utilizing larger-scale techniques like Ryu Senka and Hyōten Hyakkasō in his shikai form poses greater risks. It is uncertain if he has fully mastered his Bankai, as he continues to train and develop his skills. The presence of ice flowers represents the remaining duration of his Bankai. It can be assumed that once the ice flowers vanish, allowing him to sustain his Bankai indefinitely, he will have truly mastered it. As of now, Toshiro has yet to reach that level, so he perseveres in his training to improve his mastery of Daiguren Hyorinmaru.

15)Kenpachi Zaraki — UnKnown

The Bankai of Kenpachi Zaraki, captain of the 11th Division, remains unknown. Its name was unveiled in the chapter of Bleach, which is Chapter 669.

Kenpachi’s Bankai, known as “Power Overload,” surpasses the limits of his body’s capacity, causing his body to break under the immense pressure it releases.

When Kenpachi activates his Bankai, he enters a berserker state, losing his sanity and unable to distinguish between friend and foe. He fights recklessly, disregarding his own well-being.

A fascinating aspect of Kenpachi’s Bankai is that it uniquely alters the personality of the wielder upon activation. Although the details surrounding it are yet to be fully revealed, there have been hints in the series, particularly regarding the true form of Nozarashi, which is likely involved.

As the last chapter recently unveiled this information, we currently have limited knowledge about the nature and workings of Kenpachi’s Bankai.

16)Ikkaku Madara — Hyozukimaru

Let’s dive into the Bankai of the 3rd seat of the 11th Division, Ikkaku Madarame. His Bankai is Ryumon Hozukimaru, which combines the three segments of his Shikai into three massive weapons. It consists of two blades that he wields along with a giant, unnamed weapon. This Bankai grants him immense power, but it comes at the cost of speed and defense. During his battle against Arrancar number 13, Ikkaku managed to inflict significant damage on it. However, once the Bankai is broken, it cannot be repaired, resulting in a permanent decrease in its strength.

A fun fact about Ikkaku’s Zanpakuto spirit, Hozukimaru, is that it tends to be a bit lazy and takes a considerable amount of time to awaken. When Ikkaku enters Bankai, the progress can be monitored on one of the blades. Once the dragon emblem on the blade is fully illuminated in crimson red, beware! Ikkaku is about to unleash some good old-fashioned 11th Squad ass-whooping.

17)Mayuri Kurotsuchi — Konjiki

Ashisogi Jizo

Let’s explore the Bankai of the 12th Division Captain, Mayuri Kurotsuchi. His Bankai is Konjiki Ashisogi Jizo, which manifests as a massive caterpillar-like creature with baby-like blades. This Bankai has the ability to shoot potent poisons that can be modified by Mayuri at will. Since the poison is made from his own blood, Mayuri and his assistant captain, Nemu, are immune to its effects.

Mayuri’s Bankai is incredibly versatile, reflecting his role as a mad scientist. He has rigged it to explode in case it’s ever used against him. Additionally, he has utilized the Demon Womb Raft and Disease to further evolve his Bankai into a giant baby wearing a loincloth. This unique evolution allows Konjiki Ashisogi Jizo to simulate and counter any attack or technique used against it. The giant baby can give birth to another modified and immune baby through a C-section, adapting to and neutralizing the opponent’s techniques.

Mayuri’s Bankai exemplifies his scientific prowess and twisted creativity, making it a formidable weapon in battle.

18)Kisuke Urahara — Kanonberaki Benihime Atarame

Let’s delve into the Bankai of the former captain of the 12th Division and the current charismatic candy shop owner, Kisuke Urahara. His Bankai is Kanonbiraki Benihime Atarame, which summons a colossal woman behind him. With this Bankai, Urahara gains the power to reconstruct and reconstitute objects and even his own body at will. Whether it’s repairing his destroyed eyes or enhancing his arm’s strength, Urahara can manipulate and reshape matter to suit his needs.

Kanonbiraki Benihime Atarame is not primarily known for its offensive capabilities, but rather for its incredible restructuring abilities. Urahara can alter and modify objects, as well as bypass seemingly impenetrable barriers. The potential applications of this Bankai are vast, especially considering Urahara’s genius intellect. Although we didn’t witness its full extent like we did with Kenpachi’s Bankai, it is undeniably impressive.

A fascinating fact about Urahara’s Bankai is that he attained it using the same method as Ichigo — by undergoing the three-day method. This method was risky and demanding, but Urahara’s determination and resourcefulness allowed him to achieve it.

Urahara’s Kanonbiraki Benihime Atarame showcases his ingenuity and adaptability, making it a remarkable asset in both combat and problem-solving situations.

19)Rukia Kuchiki — Hakka no Togame

Let’s explore the Bankai of the 13th Division’s lieutenant, Rukia Kuchiki. Her Bankai is Hakka no Togame, which envelops her completely in ice, transforming her into what appears to be an ice statue. It raises questions about her mobility while in this state, as it seems restrictive. From what we’ve witnessed, her Bankai unleashes an intense blast of cold energy that freezes anything in close proximity, reducing it to icy fragments that disintegrate into the wind.

Rukia’s Bankai is often regarded as a formidable one-hit knockout technique. However, it seems that she may face limitations in terms of combat effectiveness while in this state. The act of releasing her Bankai and reverting back to her Shikai or even her normal state requires significant effort. Making one misstep during this transition can have dire consequences.

The iced Bankai of Hakka no Togame demonstrates its sheer destructive power, capable of instantly freezing and disintegrating anything in its vicinity. While it may come with certain limitations and risks, Rukia’s Bankai remains a formidable weapon in her arsenal.

20)Ichibē Hyōsube — Shirafude ichimonji

Shirafude Ichimonji is indeed a unique zanpakuto that Ichibē refers to as the “evolution” of a zanpakuto rather than a traditional bankai. It takes the form of a black brush that can transform into a white pen. By using the ink of Ichimonji and writing kanji on his targets’ bodies, Ichibē can give or change their names, bestowing upon them the properties and powers associated with those names.

For example, if he changes someone’s name to “Black Ant” (Kuroari), that person would become as weak and powerless as an ant. This ability showcases Ichibē’s immense power and control over names and their significance.

20)Ichigo Kurosaki — Tensa Zangetsu

Ichigo Kurosaki, the main character of the series, possesses a bankai called Tensa Zangetsu. The current appearance of his re-forged Tensa Zangetsu is unknown as he has not yet utilized it since its transformation by Urahara Kisuke. His original bankai was relatively straightforward, compressing all his power into a cloak and his sword. He could unleash a more powerful version of his black Getsugatensho with this bankai. Interestingly, the cloak itself is a part of his bankai, and the remaining portion can serve as an indicator of his remaining spiritual energy. This bankai was also shared by Shiro Ichigo, the hollow within Ichigo, before the explanation of their connection. The only difference was a swap in color schemes. In comparison to other bankais, Ichigo’s is not particularly intricate or elaborate. It granted him super speed, which initially astonished his opponents, particularly when he blitzed Byakuya in their first encounter. However, as the series progressed, the speed advantage became less remarkable, and subsequent opponents were not as easily outpaced.

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