One Piece Volume 110 SBS: Every major reveal explained

Anime King
5 min readOct 31, 2024


One Piece Volume 110 SBS: Every major reveal explained

The new One Piece Volume 110 SBS reveals several major titbits about the characters, including the admirals’ pasts and details of SWORD members — here’s every major reveal explained.

The new One Piece volume is titled ‘The Ebb and Flow of the Ages’ and will be released on November 1, 2024. Like every other volume, it contains 11 chapters, starting from Chapter 1111 (titled ‘Sun-Shield) and ending with Chapter 1121 (titled ‘The Ebb and Flow of the Ages’). This means Volume 110 will feature Dorry and Broggy’s arrival on Egghead Island (along with other giants), the Gorosei’s clash against heroes, and Vegapunk’s message to the world.

Aside from the chapters, One Piece Volume 110 also contains a special Q&A section where the manga’s creator Eiichiro Oda answers fans’ questions. Readers are especially excited about this since the manga has been on a hiatus since October 20 (with Chapter 1130) and will return on November 10, 2024. So, without any further ado, here’s every major reveal in One Piece Volume 110 SBS explained:

Who gave Luffy food on the Egghead Island

Kizaru in One Piece

(Image credit: Toei Animation)

One eagle-eyed fan noticed Luffy being so hungry that he couldn’t move in Chapter 1103 and asking for food. But when he reappears in Chapter 1106, he’s full. This means somebody fed him in the meantime, though we have no idea who. The fan asked Oda about this mysterious person.

To this, the mangaka replied that this person’s identity has two possibilities: Sanji and Franky. But he then also reminds us that Kizaru and Sentomaru were also there, meaning it could be anyone out of the four of them. Whoever did it is still a mystery.

However, Oda also mentions that the action was done at the speed of light, so fast that the naked eye can’t see it, insinuating that it was Kizaru who fed Luffy after all. This, once again, sheds light on the complexity of the Admiral’s character.

Details about the SWORD members

SWORD members in One Piece

(Image credit: Toei Animation)

Another fan asked for more details on the SWORD members, so Oda revealed their respective ages and heights. They are as follows:

- Former Rear Admiral Drake (age: 33, height: 233 cm)
- Rear Admiral Kujaku ((age: 26, height: 180 cm)
- Rear Admiral Prince Grus (age: 29, height: 205 cm)
- Captain Koby (age: 18, height: 167 cm)
- Commander Hibari (age: 17, height: 165 cm)
- Lieutenant Commander Helmeppo (age: 22, height: 189 cm)

Along with these, the mangaka also revealed that Kujaku and Prince Grus are Drake’s juniors but their relationship is already evenly matched. He also mentioned that Grus isn’t really a prince, but comes from a very rich family.

New information on the vice-admirals

(Image credit: Toei Animation)

When a fan asked about Vice-Admiral Doberman’s connection to Rear Admiral Kadar (who appeared in a flashback in the Fish-Man Island Arc), Oda clarified that they’re two different people. He also revealed further information about the other eight vice-admirals who participated in the Egghead Incident.

- Vice-Admiral Pomsky: Known as the ‘Sea Otter Man’, he ate the Rako Rako no Mi (Otter-Otter Fruit). His most powerful attack involves seashells.
- Vice-Admiral Urban: Known as the ‘Artillery Man’, he ate the Tsutsu Tsutsu no Mi (Cannon-Cannon Fruit). He can turn the top of his head into a cannon.
- Vice-Admiral Blue Grass: Known as the ‘Piloting Human’, she ate the Nori Nori no Mi (Ride-Ride Fruit). She can turn anything within her Haki range (living or otherwise) into her vehicle. She also has a sister-like relationship with Great Staff Officer Tsuru.
- Vice-Admiral Hound: He can the Zoan-type Inu Inu no Mi; Model: Hound, and was in the same class as Vice-Admiral Smoker.
- Vice-Admiral Tosa: He can “bite” with his hands.
- Vice-Admiral Red King: His right knuckle is powered by steam engines, boosting the strength of his punches.
- Vice-Admiral Doll: She’s a proficient martial artist who loves rock and roll.
- Vice-Admiral Guillotine: He can throw the blade on his head like a boomerang.

Admiral Fujitora and Admiral Ryokugyu’s pasts

Fujitora and Ryokugyu

(Image credit: Toei Animation)

The admirals are some of the strongest characters of One Piece and play a crucial role in the plot. So far, fans have learned the backgrounds (at least, a part of it) of Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru. In One Piece Volume 110 SBS, Oda reveals the past of the two new admirals, Fujitora and Ryokugyu.

According to the author, Aramaki and Issho were handpicked by the Marines as the new admirals through a system called World Military Draft. They later received their codenames — Ryokugyu and Fujitora, respectively.

Hailing from South Blue, Aramaki used to be a police officer from the Taya Kingdom. However, he was sent to prison after he caused a massive scandal involving a woman. As the tales of his extraordinary strength began to spread, he was chosen by the Marines for the Draft program and eventually got a special promotion to directly become an admiral.

Issho used to be the defense military chief of the Aoi Kingdom, a nation that once existed in the Grand Line but was destroyed in a war. Later, he suffered many losses in a gambling place at the Twin Snake Island in West Blue. Eventually, the World Government bought the place. Despite knowing Issho’s past as a war criminal, they promoted him to an admiral.

These are all the major reveals from One Piece Volume 110 SBS. For more on the manga, find out about Loki of Elbaf and the strongest Devil Fruits, and for more updates and anime news, stay tuned with Animeking.



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